Kontent qismiga oʻtish


Vikilug‘atdan olingan

Ushbu andoza avtomatik ravishda nomi formati "(til nomi) (label)" "til (label)" va quyidagi toifalari uchun tushuntirishlar va kategoriyalari ishlab chiqaradi. Bu barcha-quvvatlanadigan toifadagi oʻshilishi kerak.

Andoza moduli tomonidan amalga oshiriladi: Module:category tree daraxt va uning submodule Module:category tree/poscatboiler.


Til kodi (Wiktionary:Tillar ga qarang) kategoriya nomi bilan boshlanadi tili, va turkumda ning mazmuni xosdir. "Tilda tomonidan" turi toifalari uchun bu boʻsh qoldiring.
Toifali label. Bu til nomini quyidagi turkumga nomi bir qismidir. Bu boʻsh boʻlishi mumkin emas.
Bu skript maxsus subcategory boʻlsa,: skript kodi (qarang Wiktionary:Scripts). Bu kimning yozuvlari buyruq fayli tomonidan alohida-alohida tasniflanadi tillar uchun ishlatiladi.



Adding, removing or modifying categories


The information on each label for this template is contained in Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data and its submodules. For a list of all data modules, see Category:Category tree data modules/poscatboiler.

The following values are recognised in these data modules:

A table listing one or more parent labels of this label.
  • An item in the table can be either a single string, or a table containing two elements called name and sort. In the latter case, name value specifies the parent label name, while the sort value specifies the sort key to use to sort it in that category.
  • If a parent label begins with Category: it is interpreted as a raw category name, rather than as a label name. It can still have its own sort key as usual.
The "fundamental" category name, which is the parent category that all umbrella categories are collected in.
The sort key used to sort the umbrella category within the fundamental category. This generally defaults to the display name, but can be overridden with something like ** for root categories to make them easier to find.
A plain English description for the label.
can_be_empty = true
Specifies that the category should not be deleted when empty. This should be used for maintenance categories.

Special template-like parameters can be used inside the parents and description values. These are replaced by the equivalent text.

The name of the language that the category belongs to.
The name of the language's main category, which adds "language" to the regular name.