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Foydalanuvchi:Ancient Apparition

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Andoza:User pl-2
uz-0 Bu foydalanuvchi oʻzbek tilini umuman bilmaydi.
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en This user is a native speaker of English.

UZ:Kaldr, Qadimgi Cisimlenme, tashqarida vaqt dan rejalashtirilmoqda tasviri, xolos. U har ikki olamni avval keladi va uning uchini kutmoqda sovuq, cheksiz boʻshliqdan kamon. Kaldr, Kaldr edi, Kaldr boʻlishi kerak ... va u, bizga koʻrinadi, lekin zaif toʻgʻri, abadiy Kaldr sadosi xira, biz kuchli, nima sezmagan. Baʼzi koinot yosh va uning yakuniy onlarni yondashuvlar sifatida, Kaldr nashrida va quvvat ham kuchaytiradi, deb ishonaman - adn oxiri yaqin durang sifatida Qadimgi Cisimlenme yosh va yanada mustahkam boʻladi, deb. Toʻhtaydi hamma ishni keltiradi muz, Uning ushlashi, uning tasvir tomosha qilish uchun juda qoʻrqinchli bir nur uloqtiradi. Sharpa endi!

EN:Kaldr, the Ancient Apparition, is an image projected from outside time. He springs from the cold, infinite void that both predates the universe and awaits its end. Kaldr is, Kaldr was, Kaldr shall be...and what we perceive, powerful as it appears to us, is but the faintest faded echo of the true, eternal Kaldr. Some believe that as the cosmos ages and approaches its final moments, the brightness and power of Kaldr will also intensify--that the Ancient Apparition will grow younger and stronger as eternity's end draws nigh. His grip of ice will bring all matter to a stop, his image will cast a light too terrible to behold. An Apparition no longer!