Barcha ochiq qaydlar
Vikilug‘atdagi barcha jurnallar roʻyxati. Natijalarni jurnal nomi, foydalanuvchi nomi (harflar katta-kichikligi inobatga olinadi) yoki sahifa nomi boʻyicha saralashingiz mumkin.
- Biror foydalanuvchi amalga oshirgan qaydni topish uchun uning foydalanuvchi nomini „Ijrochi“ oynasiga kiriting.
- Biror foydalanuvchi yoki sahifaga nisbatan amalga oshirilgan qaydni topish uchun ulardan birining nomini „Moʻljal“ oynasiga kiriting.
- 06:02, 2022-yil 30-mart Genetikapcr munozara hissa Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:Genetikapcr sahifasini yaratdi („Polymerase Chain Reaction or the PCR Test is one of the most reliable and used tests by people all around the world. It is mostly done by people who are planning to go abroad for different purposes. Genetika has medical experts who are ready to perform this test on you and provide you with the right reports. In this test, the mucus is collected from the nose and throat and are used to detect whether the person is suffering from the Covid-19 virus o...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 06:00, 2022-yil 30-mart Genetikapcr munozara hissa hisob yozuvi yaratildi